Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My 2 cents

When you live abroad you realize that everybody has a formed opinion about your country and culture; sadly most of the time these opinions are based on stereotypes mixed with bits of actual knowledge. Like of every other country there is an international image of Canada and Canadians.
I know I had it. This image was of course created by the usual channels: TV, Movies and the news. People outside Canada think of Canadians as friendly, cultured, Hockey obsessed, and chauvinistic lumberjacks...But NOT Gun crazy.
Gun violence and violence in general are new to me (I do realize how lucky I am) so to realize that in Canada it is so common that its a usual topic of conversation among young people really came as a shock.... Now how sad it’s that.
I used to believe in that image of Canada, the Canada that respected Human rights, the Canada of Medicare, and above all that the melting pot Canada. Now I think that image is based on comparison to their neighbors and that it’s mostly fueled out of the hate a big chunk of the world has towards the USA. People like Michael Moore, praising how many fewer deaths of gun violence are in Canada compared the USA keep building on that Image. Don’t get me wrong, Its true, Canada its all that I expected but no one told that from every Naomi Klein and David Cronenberg there are Thousands of Kids killing each other. And they are doing it right in front of us.
I’ve read my classmates comments on the subject and agree with their points of view, there is a government and a society to blame, families are not playing their socializing role properly and because of that; what should have been the Canadian dream has become the Canadian Nightmare.

That a First world country has reached this point amazes and puzzles me. Where lies the solution? I cant say ...But I know that something needs to be done,
Kids have access to guns HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???? Kids don't have the information or the judgment to say NO to guns HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ???
This is a country with an overdose of consumerism and and a serious lack of values.
Quoting Homer Simpson when he found out he had to go to Canada "we live in America, why do we have to go to America Jr?"…. .... America Jr? Not quite yet but we are getting there.

Advertising that doesnt suck

coming soon to a Mac near you.

After watching Japanese hipnotist caterpillars, Kickass girls playing soccer and a groovy family made of water (yes ,really) in the remarkable 2004 clio reel we (Ryan menezes and myself) decided to focus our computer class presentation in the exciting world of International advertising.

We call ourselves The OSX Tigers.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Mr Hat Newland's Class Edition

Macs ,Take 2

From Mac OS instalation guide to iconic tendencies ,The Macintosh guy is full of tips:

For the Mac Os X shortcuts (pretty useful stuff)check:

Mac specs ,Prices ,answers & more :

Monday, November 14, 2005

Mr Hat's Playlist *Canadian edition*

Mr Hat enjoys the new pornography. What a newsflash, right? I mean who doesn’t.
The pornographers new album is called twin cinema and everybody should check it out. Also in Mr Hat's playlist are Metric's Live it out and Broken social scene's......broken social scene (what Mr hat would give to have a social scene, even if its broken) and its not to late to go out and buy or borrow or shoplift the Hidden Cameras Mississauga Goddam, Arcade fire's Funeral, Tegan and Sara's So jealous and Feist's Let it die, do what you have to do people, but don’t miss out on the hype! Canadian rock is It and Mr Hat felt it was his duty to complement the articles on the subject that appeared on rolling stone, mojo,Q,under the radar and several other publications .
For more unoriginal stuff don’t forget to check the site.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Retina Assassin (Mr Hat’s film review column)

Kiss kiss bang bang ****

I hate going to the movies with Mr Hat, I have to create a distraction so he can sneak into the cinema and I always end spending the night in jail (t-bone ill see you next Friday).

Mr hat decided to start his film review section with Shane Black’s directorial debut kiss kiss bang bang. KKBB proves Godard right when he said, “all you need to make a movie is a girl and a gun” Its not the first time that Black explores sex and violence. These are recurring themes in most of his scripts like lethal weapon; the last Boy Scout and The long kiss good night. And he is not trying to be subtle about it. The tagline of the movie reads: Sex, Murder, Mystery, Welcome to the party. (Take away the mystery and it sounds like Mr Hats kind of party all right). According to Mr Hat the Movie delivers, Big Time.

Small time crook turned actor Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr plays the character, with charm to burn) moves to L.A. to prepare for an Audition and Partners with detective Gay Perry (they call him that cos he is gay) for “role research” until of course they get involved in a real murder investigation and Hilarity ensues. Val Kilmer plays Gay Perry and Mr hat had no idea he could be that funny…. on purpose (remember when he played batman?) Serious change of pace. Gay jokes aside, and trust me there are plenty of those, the dialogue is witty, smartassy, and self-aware and obviously tailor made for Downey Jr.

The Jokes play very well (Mr Hat almost chokes on his Mix of M&M’s and Popcorn) but there is a downside to this, the hardcore laughing doesn’t help you follow a plot that’s pretty dense to begin with. The plot revolves around Harry’s High school sweat hart, her sister getting Killed and one of Gay Perry’s clients being involved in all this……a frickin Tangle if you ask me .Mr Hat’s advice don’t worry too much about the plot just let go and enjoy the ride.

The movie is divided in 5 chapters each chapter taking its name from a Raymond Chandler novel. Paying homage where homage is due.

Harry narrates the movie from the start and according to Mr Hat this maybe one of the greatest narrations of the history of film (of course Mr hat doesn’t know crap about the history of film). This movie is in limited release right now and it doesn’t look like it’s going to expand into a lot of other theatres so if you are a Shane Black/Val Kilmer/Robert Downey jr fan (he hast been this great since Wonder boys) you MUST CHECK IT OUT!! (Mr Hat says: There are also some Boobies). Mr hat liked the movie so much he is giving it 4 hats out of 5.

Friday, November 11, 2005


Mr Hat recently got hooked up with a rogers digital terminal and now spents all his time watching the BBC trying to master the art of the fake british accent ,anyway here are Mr Hat's picks :
1- The Office
Watch out for: David brent's Dance moves.
2-Little Britain
Watch out for: Lou and Andy
3-Da Ali g show
Watch out for: Borat's dinner party
4-Monty Phytons flying Circus
Watch out for :The dead parrot sketch
5-Big train
Watch out for: The cat'n'mouse fight outside the pub
6- Black books
Watch out for: The soundproof door
7-The league of gentlemen
Watch out for:The shining spoofs
8-Top Gear
Watch out for: The styx
9-Im Alan Patridge
Watch out for : Inner city Sumo
10-Mr Bean
Watch out for :Mr Bean!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Is Power point as cool as the power Rangers?????

If you are like Mr hat and have asked yourself this question over and over and over and over and over again you came to the right place. Lets do a quick recap pointing out the strengths of both the Power rangers and Power point:

® 1-the Power rangers are like seven, Power point is one

® 2-the power rangers dress like dinosaurs or somethin like that, Its one of those things that you never question until someone like Mr hat comes along and asks what the (CENSORED) are the power rangers supposed to be ?? Well I guess they are in a search for their inner selves, On the other hand the objective of Power point is much clearer its a tool that can be found in most computers and allows you to make presentations and bore people.

® 3-the Power Rangers can mold together to make an Über super robot (btw Mr hat Top 5 robots are R2D2, HAL, Johnny five, optimus prime and Mr hat's Ex girlfriend). Power point can put together a presentation, you can add music, although in some cases it’s not appropriate; once Mr hat used britney's "hit me baby one more time" to enhance his presentation on domestic violence and it was poorly received. You can also add videos and animations but like Mr hat says in the end it’s all about the content.

® 4-The Power rangers are all of different colors, they are the jelly beans of superheroes, With Power point you can choose from many backgrounds and if you don’t like the ones that are already there you can make your own, Mr Hat made one that lets you look for Waldo in the zoo, this particular background won many international awards, why? (Other questions usually asked include, there are awards for that?? and where's Waldo?) because it creates the illusion that people are looking at your presentation when actually they are looking for a geeky looking guy wearing a hat, if you think about it it’s a win-win situation.

I Think that with this background checked, thought provoking research brought to you By Mr Hat himself we are able to draw some conclusions. First of all Power point can be a pretty powerful application when it comes to present things…. and stuff, but like the Uncle of Spiderman once said “with great power comes great responsibility” and in the wrong hands………….
Also Mr hat realized that the power rangers are not cool at all and as a matter of fact they are probably being played in a loop in Guantanamo as we speak (or as you read).

Whatevs, we are all in the Matrix anyway.


All you ever wanted to know about Macs and you were afraid to ask.

Mr Hat says: the Mac is awesome! Mr hat bought a Mac after watching a documentary about them in PBS and now is part of the Mac community, of course when we talk about Macs we are talking about Computers not burgers .Mac stands for Macintosh and is a brand of apple, the computer company not to confuse with Mr Newlands favorite fruit. Why are the Macs so awesome? To begin with they look nice, they look frickin nice as a matter of fact they are the nicest thing Mr Hat ever owned, of course Mr hat leaves in a crackhouse.....and he sleeps with an Uzi under his pillow. Ok they look nice so what? , So does my cousin Melinda .why would you spend your hard earned money on a Mac? They are kinda pricey well... like Mr Hat says: it’s all about the features. Macintosh has a still evolving multimedia support (whatever that means), and he reckons that Macintosh’s don’t only handle drawing and pictures but true imaging sound and video, this is very useful if you are like Mr Hat and like to make your own hip hop videos in the comfort of your basement Btw if you are a member of the female gender there are auditions going on.
Back to the Mac, have you noticed that the Mac mouse only has one button? , I did and so did Mr hat AND WE DONT LIKE IT!!!!!.
If you want to sign our petition please visit:, Take this real life example of how annoying not being able to left click is. When you want to save an image (a not copyrighted image cos u cant go through life stealing pictures of britney no matter how hot u think she is) you have to click and hold and I mean hoooooold, Mr hats hand hurts because of all the holding he has being doing lately, damn britney! That’s all for this lesson Mr hat hopes that you’ve learned something new and he hopes that you have a nice life and if you don’t ...just don’t tell him.
