Mr Hat enjoys the new pornography. What a newsflash, right? I mean who doesn’t.
The pornographers new album is called twin cinema and everybody should check it out. Also in Mr Hat's playlist are Metric's Live it out and Broken social scene's......broken social scene (what Mr hat would give to have a social scene, even if its broken) and its not to late to go out and buy or borrow or shoplift the Hidden Cameras Mississauga Goddam, Arcade fire's Funeral, Tegan and Sara's So jealous and Feist's Let it die, do what you have to do people, but don’t miss out on the hype! Canadian rock is It and Mr Hat felt it was his duty to complement the articles on the subject that appeared on rolling stone, mojo,Q,under the radar and several other publications .
For more unoriginal stuff don’t forget to check the site.