Thursday, December 29, 2005

The best movie of the year acordding to AFI is.........

Brokeback mountain!
Directed by Ang Lee and starring Jake glyhenhall and Heath Ledger this movie is been described as your usual hollywood gay cowboy love story.
I guess i wont be seen this one in the Mall's Famous players...

Crazy things that people do when they are high

The other day browsing trough Advertising blogs i found this story in Adpulp that really cracked me up...and i quote:
"According to
Promo Magazine, SpongeBob SquarePants figures have been swiped from Burger King roofs in New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Maine, Tennessee and Utah over the past two weeks. At one BK in Utah, employees handed out fliers to try and locate their missing SpongeBob. In Minnesota, a BK manager received a ransom note demanding two "Krabby Patties" in exchange for SpongeBob's return. "HAHAHAHA