Is Power point as cool as the power Rangers?????
If you are like Mr hat and have asked yourself this question over and over and over and over and over again you came to the right place. Lets do a quick recap pointing out the strengths of both the Power rangers and Power point:
® 1-the Power rangers are like seven, Power point is one
® 2-the power rangers dress like dinosaurs or somethin like that, Its one of those things that you never question until someone like Mr hat comes along and asks what the (CENSORED) are the power rangers supposed to be ?? Well I guess they are in a search for their inner selves, On the other hand the objective of Power point is much clearer its a tool that can be found in most computers and allows you to make presentations and bore people.
® 3-the Power Rangers can mold together to make an Über super robot (btw Mr hat Top 5 robots are R2D2, HAL, Johnny five, optimus prime and Mr hat's Ex girlfriend). Power point can put together a presentation, you can add music, although in some cases it’s not appropriate; once Mr hat used britney's "hit me baby one more time" to enhance his presentation on domestic violence and it was poorly received. You can also add videos and animations but like Mr hat says in the end it’s all about the content.
® 4-The Power rangers are all of different colors, they are the jelly beans of superheroes, With Power point you can choose from many backgrounds and if you don’t like the ones that are already there you can make your own, Mr Hat made one that lets you look for Waldo in the zoo, this particular background won many international awards, why? (Other questions usually asked include, there are awards for that?? and where's Waldo?) because it creates the illusion that people are looking at your presentation when actually they are looking for a geeky looking guy wearing a hat, if you think about it it’s a win-win situation.
I Think that with this background checked, thought provoking research brought to you By Mr Hat himself we are able to draw some conclusions. First of all Power point can be a pretty powerful application when it comes to present things…. and stuff, but like the Uncle of Spiderman once said “with great power comes great responsibility” and in the wrong hands………….
Also Mr hat realized that the power rangers are not cool at all and as a matter of fact they are probably being played in a loop in Guantanamo as we speak (or as you read).
Whatevs, we are all in the Matrix anyway.
ha ha... ohh mr. hat you're the best
Posted by
Ana Berny |
8:41 PM