After the stupid Summer... Fall it's finally here!!
And its time for those brilliant, hardworking network executives to shine. That's why we are proud to introduce Mr Hat's Fall Guide. Mr Hat and I are amazed at the quality of the new shows this season..and the originality!
Among the new shows we have Kelsey Grammer's groundbreaking comedy; Back to you. I haven't seen this show yet but Mr Hat has. According to Mr Hat he wasn't aware that Back To You was a new show , he thought it was a rerun of News Radio and switched to what according to his discerning taste is the true great new show of the season The Erotic Traveler. The Erotic traveler is a new High production drama form the people that brought you Hotel Erotica, Hotel Erotica season 2 and Hotel Erotica in Spanish available only in Telelatino Wednesdays at 3:45 AM. The intricate premise revolves around what seems to be a trailer trash prostitute after winning Lotto 6/49 fornicating in front of blue screens posing as the world's most exotic locations. e.g. The Eiffel tower. This show masterfully depicts society's injustice in a socially aware fashion that has never been seen before in late night basic cable. A prime example of this is the short but lust filled relationship between a French baguette merchant and what could be better described as a Society's lady chambermaid. Never has a baguette served so many metaphors and clever wordplay. This show makes PBS's snotty masterpiece theater look like the first rehearsal of Laguna Beach.
Next on the Fall's new slate is CBS Kid Nation. This show is brilliant. Mr Hat and I got together to watch it and we were awestruck. first of all we would like to make a few clarifications to readers that might have been confused as we were about the true nature of kid nation, Kid Nation is not about Kid Rock and his tumultuous relationship with Pamela Anderson featuring never before seen footage. That is not. The show consists of getting together a bunch of bad parents who want to get rid of their kids for the summer and giving them some cash in exchange of putting them in Harm's way and extreme living conditions. Everybody wins! On the first episode the producers tell the kids that society cannot function without them being stuck in a predetermined social class so they tell some of them that they are the upper class, some others are merchants others cooks, laborers, etc. Once the roles have been sorted the kid are told that the upper class gets a lot of money for doing nothing and that the laborers get practically nothing for doing most of the work. This show is high on educational values as it is teaching our children that life is a bitch from a very early age.
Next on our list is K-Ville a show about a post Katrina New Orleans and two opposite police officers who partner to fight for what's right. Katrina ,two Unlikely partners (one fat and black, the other white and skinny) those are the elements for a Kick ass Buddy comedy about two cops having a good time in the big easy. Instead we get a major downer about Katrina's aftershock. The images of a devastated New Orleans two years after the tragedy don't do much to lighten the mood. Mr Hat, I and bottle of Prozac with someone else's name are going to keep watching this eagerly waiting for a Mardi Grass episode.
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