When I logged in today (after a pretty long time) my original intention was to link to a crafty blog about how to make your own UHF antenna to get HD channels for free (particulary useful for those upper crust hippies who bought an HD TV set but don't want to pay the man for High Definition Channels) . When I did (log in) I found a comment begging, pleading, screaming for me to share my Craiglist talents with the world. Hold the aluminium foil , roll back the chicken wire and pass the joint around, below is my Craiglist's Personal post titled I wear black Rim Glasses:
A craiglist's personal? I say why the hell not! Here's the thing I've never done one of these so "frequent shoppers" please forgive my disregard for conventions and specially; terminology. Here are a few important facts about me, I hate Family Circus, I love playing Boardgames, I'm a huge film buff (yet not too much a snobby one), I like brunch! I read magazines in the Indigo coffee shop that I have no intention of buying, I like to buy used stuff (I have a voyeuristic fascination with Garage Sales), I like to read and take the TTC and combine both everyday, I watch TV on dvd, I have a cat! I enjoy the financial section of the newspaper yet I'm pretty sure I don't understand it. Some not-so-important ones: Big guy, bearded (think Kevin Smith) and tall, College grad, born in South America to European parents,lived abroad most of my life, speak a few languages, work in advertising (yet most people would describe me as an overall "good" person). Also, I'm a smoker. You should be a nice person with a great sense of humour (of course if you like twin peaks and Dilbert that's definitely a plus), someone that likes staying in and watching foreign movies with a bottle of wine (not as the exception but as the rule), that reads in bed and likes to go out with friends to discuss pop-culture over coffee, someone that would tell me the answer to 12 across in the Sunday crossword (Is not Pathos, I tried). That's my spiel! If you want I'll send you a pic and please refrain from replying if you like Family Circus (let's throw For Better Or Worse in there as well).
Now, I got a lot of replies from this post, and by I lot I mean more than two. I had no preset policy regarding how I would handle these replies and as exciting as it was to get mail from girls that in most cases shared my interests and sense of humour I also found it terribly intimidating.
Everything in that post is true (except the crossword bit, I do my crosswords in an Australian website) but as is often the case some details were dutifully omitted, relevant or not, that's anyone's call. For example; I do work in the Advertising Industry but in the media planning side, (most people assumed I was in the creative department) and in a junior position. So when I got an email from a partner in a downtown financial firm I couldn't help but wonder how she felt about Mac and cheese and the Rainbow's two toonie tuesday. Instead I replied to a charming email from a girl that interned at a zine and gracefully ingored the post's grammatical errors . I ended up going on a date with this girl, we spent most of our time talking about obscure sitcoms, David Sedaris, and the movie The House Bunny and (I can only speak for myself) had a a good time. It's safe to say that by the time we walked the two blocks from Honest End's, our rendevous point, to the bar were we sat down and chat we had already dismissed the notion of any romantic relationship, and that was Ok. After the policeman talked me down from the window ledge I went back home and pondered upon my CL experience and decided to make a Pros and Cons list like any shitty sitcom character would do;
Pros of Posting a Personal on CL.
You might get a bunch of emails from really interesting people that found something they were attracted to in something you wrote..
You find out a LOT of people hate family Circus.
You get to write emails that you definetely wouldn't write at work.
You dong get a verbal warning from your Manager for writing these emails.
You get to go out on dates!
You make up for those times when you didn't leave a great tip on the place you are having said date.
It gives you something to write in your blog after a long hiatus.
Cons of posting a personal in CL
You find out everyone your age is more succesful than you are.
You find out people don't realize you wrote big as an euphemism for fat, they also have no clue who the fuck Kevin Smith is.
A craiglist's personal? I say why the hell not! Here's the thing I've never done one of these so "frequent shoppers" please forgive my disregard for conventions and specially; terminology. Here are a few important facts about me, I hate Family Circus, I love playing Boardgames, I'm a huge film buff (yet not too much a snobby one), I like brunch! I read magazines in the Indigo coffee shop that I have no intention of buying, I like to buy used stuff (I have a voyeuristic fascination with Garage Sales), I like to read and take the TTC and combine both everyday, I watch TV on dvd, I have a cat! I enjoy the financial section of the newspaper yet I'm pretty sure I don't understand it. Some not-so-important ones: Big guy, bearded (think Kevin Smith) and tall, College grad, born in South America to European parents,lived abroad most of my life, speak a few languages, work in advertising (yet most people would describe me as an overall "good" person). Also, I'm a smoker. You should be a nice person with a great sense of humour (of course if you like twin peaks and Dilbert that's definitely a plus), someone that likes staying in and watching foreign movies with a bottle of wine (not as the exception but as the rule), that reads in bed and likes to go out with friends to discuss pop-culture over coffee, someone that would tell me the answer to 12 across in the Sunday crossword (Is not Pathos, I tried). That's my spiel! If you want I'll send you a pic and please refrain from replying if you like Family Circus (let's throw For Better Or Worse in there as well).
Now, I got a lot of replies from this post, and by I lot I mean more than two. I had no preset policy regarding how I would handle these replies and as exciting as it was to get mail from girls that in most cases shared my interests and sense of humour I also found it terribly intimidating.
Everything in that post is true (except the crossword bit, I do my crosswords in an Australian website) but as is often the case some details were dutifully omitted, relevant or not, that's anyone's call. For example; I do work in the Advertising Industry but in the media planning side, (most people assumed I was in the creative department) and in a junior position. So when I got an email from a partner in a downtown financial firm I couldn't help but wonder how she felt about Mac and cheese and the Rainbow's two toonie tuesday. Instead I replied to a charming email from a girl that interned at a zine and gracefully ingored the post's grammatical errors . I ended up going on a date with this girl, we spent most of our time talking about obscure sitcoms, David Sedaris, and the movie The House Bunny and (I can only speak for myself) had a a good time. It's safe to say that by the time we walked the two blocks from Honest End's, our rendevous point, to the bar were we sat down and chat we had already dismissed the notion of any romantic relationship, and that was Ok. After the policeman talked me down from the window ledge I went back home and pondered upon my CL experience and decided to make a Pros and Cons list like any shitty sitcom character would do;
Pros of Posting a Personal on CL.
You might get a bunch of emails from really interesting people that found something they were attracted to in something you wrote..
You find out a LOT of people hate family Circus.
You get to write emails that you definetely wouldn't write at work.
You dong get a verbal warning from your Manager for writing these emails.
You get to go out on dates!
You make up for those times when you didn't leave a great tip on the place you are having said date.
It gives you something to write in your blog after a long hiatus.
Cons of posting a personal in CL
You find out everyone your age is more succesful than you are.
You find out people don't realize you wrote big as an euphemism for fat, they also have no clue who the fuck Kevin Smith is.
Labels: Craigslist Personals
so, because i am posting in early february, demanding that you stop being a dmfk nnblggr and just put your awesome thoughts on the web (where i can read them without detective work), we will all see some of them in three months?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:10 PM