Yes It's been a while, One could say that this has been a time of reflection for me, a time spent looking for inspiration if you will. During my period of absence (Or should I say our) my avid, rabid readers tried to coax me into writing a new post. By avid readers I mean, of course, my mom. What to write about then, became the question. I could do a post on the olde " they are raping my childhood" theme by stating that the idea of adding more female characters to the smurfs village in a planned updated version of the show is a travesty but after seeing Alvin eating his own feces there's hardly any hope for anything I once liked. My childhood has been raped hard and I should get over it. Today on Kyra's blog I saw a photo of an egg that casted a shadow that looked like Batman, that's the sign I've been waiting for! When even half eaten food can provide a wittier pop culture commentary than I can, that can only mean one thing, the apocalypse is coming... and it looks like breakfast.
Lately I've been watching a lot of TV, this may come as a shock to those who know me but once in a while I put down my first edition of Ulysses and succumb to the idiot box. What have I've been watching? If you haven't noticed (Or seen Conan's beard) there's a writer's strike going on which means no prime-time so I had to resort to alternative programming. This might as well serve as a guide to those who, like me, have nothing else to watch. The Shows I've been watching are:
The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, a 1984 Granada production about the title's renowned detective. In this Incarnation Holmes is played by a Human being, not a mouse, but that's not the only way this adaptation is loyal to the source material. Holmes is also addicted to a morphine Cocaine cocktail (something I must have missed when I read the books as a child) that seems to keep him busy while hes not cracking complex cases. And of course he never utters the infamous " elementary my dear Watson" either. Jeremy Brett's Holmes is as brilliant as you would expect but more flawed than you'd imagine. Needless to say the acting is superb, the sets are as close to a Victorian England as someone who doesn't know what Victorian England looked like would hope for and Scotland Yard...Scotland Yard never had a chance of solving the case.
Get A life, Chris Elliott's 1990's sitcom about a 30 year old paperboy living with his parents (This one worries me a little) and Ducktales the true story of Scrooge McDuck, the world richest duck (seeing that most Ducks have no steady Income makes it more impressive even) , his nephews, pilot and pet caveduck (which never seemed right, right?). Other shows in my must watch list -Picket fences, Dr Katz, Agatha Christie;s Poirot (from Granada also) and Ken Burns the War, yes I know I am watching Ducktales and I haven't watched it yet. I have to admit that it's a wird combination of shows that (aside from the War) lacks serious drama , but then again the best show on TV is back and that's all the drama I need. I bet that if Holmes had a playlist like this to entretain himself he wouldn't do any drugs, or more likely, he would do a lot of drugs eat doritos, and leave all his cases unsolved.
Lately I've been watching a lot of TV, this may come as a shock to those who know me but once in a while I put down my first edition of Ulysses and succumb to the idiot box. What have I've been watching? If you haven't noticed (Or seen Conan's beard) there's a writer's strike going on which means no prime-time so I had to resort to alternative programming. This might as well serve as a guide to those who, like me, have nothing else to watch. The Shows I've been watching are:
The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, a 1984 Granada production about the title's renowned detective. In this Incarnation Holmes is played by a Human being, not a mouse, but that's not the only way this adaptation is loyal to the source material. Holmes is also addicted to a morphine Cocaine cocktail (something I must have missed when I read the books as a child) that seems to keep him busy while hes not cracking complex cases. And of course he never utters the infamous " elementary my dear Watson" either. Jeremy Brett's Holmes is as brilliant as you would expect but more flawed than you'd imagine. Needless to say the acting is superb, the sets are as close to a Victorian England as someone who doesn't know what Victorian England looked like would hope for and Scotland Yard...Scotland Yard never had a chance of solving the case.
Get A life, Chris Elliott's 1990's sitcom about a 30 year old paperboy living with his parents (This one worries me a little) and Ducktales the true story of Scrooge McDuck, the world richest duck (seeing that most Ducks have no steady Income makes it more impressive even) , his nephews, pilot and pet caveduck (which never seemed right, right?). Other shows in my must watch list -Picket fences, Dr Katz, Agatha Christie;s Poirot (from Granada also) and Ken Burns the War, yes I know I am watching Ducktales and I haven't watched it yet. I have to admit that it's a wird combination of shows that (aside from the War) lacks serious drama , but then again the best show on TV is back and that's all the drama I need. I bet that if Holmes had a playlist like this to entretain himself he wouldn't do any drugs, or more likely, he would do a lot of drugs eat doritos, and leave all his cases unsolved.
UPDATE your blog, you dirty media commie!
Posted by
K. |
5:55 PM
Hullo, Alejandro..! I hope that one day you'll get back to posting. Maybe you should focus on sharing your AMAZING craigslist talents with the world.
<3, kyra
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:21 AM