Who do you think is more popular in Turkey; Woody Allen or Kevin smith?

If you answered who cares or Woody Allen , youre right!
How did i make this mind blowing discovery? By using google newest cool/useless/addictive/time wasting tool Google trends. All you need to do is type to searches that wont cancel each other, separate them with a comma click search and wait to be surprised.
Pamela Anderson still more popular than Carmen Electra? yes except in Hungary. Pacino more famous than De Niro? By far...in Calgary!
But if getting the graph with the results seems a little cold and unappealing then i recommend Google fights, completely different results for the same query and a short stckmen fight announcing the winner.

If you answered who cares or Woody Allen , youre right!
How did i make this mind blowing discovery? By using google newest cool/useless/addictive/time wasting tool Google trends. All you need to do is type to searches that wont cancel each other, separate them with a comma click search and wait to be surprised.
Pamela Anderson still more popular than Carmen Electra? yes except in Hungary. Pacino more famous than De Niro? By far...in Calgary!
But if getting the graph with the results seems a little cold and unappealing then i recommend Google fights, completely different results for the same query and a short stckmen fight announcing the winner.
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