MUNICH mini review
We can say (Mr Hat and I) that the dry spell is over, no we didnt have sex with that transexual albino mr hat picked up in that barntizvah we crashed BUT we saw 2 movies that didnt suck quite the opposite, they didnt suck.
The Movies Im talking about are MUNICH and the Woodsman (Mr hat feels that we shouldnt refer to Woody Allen as the Woodsman anymore since there is a movie about a child molester that has the same name and we dont want the confusion to bring some unwanted attention to the site. Strangely enough the movie stars Kevin bacon that starred with Sean penn in mystic river who was directed by...Woody Allen! in sweet and lowdown*if you dont know what that last bit was all about click here ) latest MATCH POINT.
As everybody knows Munich was directed by Spielberg (not to be confused with his cheap mexican version Spielbergo) and its about the killing of the israeli athletes in the 72 Munich olympics. This movie is arguably Spielbergs best and politics and controversy aside it delvers as a drama and mostly as kickass thriller.
The film is centered around Eric Bana's character who plays a Mossad agent that is put in charge of a special squad whose mission is the executing of the direct and not so direct responsibles of the Munich masacre. Bana is great in the movie although Mr Hat already knew he could act after seeing him throw a tank over the grand canyon in the smash hit HULK.
The rest of the mod squad are Daniel crag from layer cake and soon to be Bond,
CiarĂ¡n Hinds, Mathieu Kassovitz ,Hanns Zischler and as their boss a superb Geofrey Rush.
One of the most interesting things about this movie is that although obviously subjective it gives a chance to the palestinias to express their views therefore creating a dialogue in the spectator mind ,i know its not much but every little helps.
The action transcurs mostly in a beautifully shot europe and the 70s recreation is flawless and as Mr Hat tastefully adds there are also some boobies.
So for any of these reasons go check it out while is still out in the cinema.
Coming Next ....Match Point
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