I need some space
Thanks to Alex lately i’ve been hooked to myspace like a 17 old girl. But not only mypsace of course, because these days myspace and youtube come together and although both of them are OLD news the fact that I can browse through an immense archive and have immediate access to intros to my childhood favorite shows (almost forgotten) and Finnish disco lessons and then POST them in someone else’s space..Well it never ceases to amaze me.
Of course I realize that arrived quite late to the myspace craze, so late in fact that it has already been purchased by a corporation (FOX), but the factors that made it great back then are still present. The main factor I would say is the interactivity and the immediacy you can achieve with thousands of people but also Bands, Movies, Porn stars...you name it. You are able to add them as your “friends” therefore accomplishing two things: having a contact with someone that would be otherwise unreachable and most important creating that identity and portraying that image that would difference you from most people and link you with a few. In myspace your personality is defined by both your influences and the comments people leave you, for you, and the rest of the world to see.
Even when they have nothing to say you there is always the possibility of linking a video or posting a funny picture.
I must admit that in the last couple of days i've grown quite fond of this Meta Individuality, hell…myspace is your oyster!
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