While we listen to Dolly Parton's masterpiece 9 to 5 in a youtube video Mr Hat and I decided to revisit (much like Oprah) our favorite things of 2008. Of course we are not rich like Oprah and we are influential to a much more secluded and select circle, that eats whiskas for breakfast. Let's get on with it: favorite thing number one TV. TV is awesome! Not only is entertaining in itself but an amazing conversation piece, here's an example - You: Did you watch the wire yesterday? - Hipster friend: Ha ha you have a TV and watch it! I hope you die you piece of shit. Poor penguin shirt (or Fred perry) wearing friend, he doesn't know what he is missing, of course he could pick the wire on DVD and discuss the series Dickensian aspects with the editors of Slate but will he ever watch Who's Americas Most Smartest Model? I think not. America's Most Smartest Model is an undiscovered jewel known only to a few connoisseurs. The series premise is simple yet effective, it concist in picking a selected group of relatively good looking people most with sub-normal intelligence and others with deeper mental issues and making them do tasks that, get this, will prove that they are both smart and show supermodel potential. This social experiments results in enticing television that at moments is borderline retarded and at others just plain retarded. This show provides us with the answer of what happens when an angry "soviet" model interacts with a human being (it's funny) and whether the effects of collagen are in some cases irreversible (they are). I f I had to pick a moment that reflects the genius of the show I'd pick this: when Argentinean Model Gaston was asked to name things that smell bad and walk the runway (at the same time!) The three things his strained brain could come up with were; dirty socks, rotten eggs and dirty penis. God bless Television.